More than the emptiness, the confusion, and those days when you feel lost and alone. More than the long, painful nights where you dig your face into the damp pillow, more than the anxiety about the future and what it holds. More than the experience that broke you down. More than the lost friendships and lovers that left and never looked back. More than the lessons you learned and those you chose to ignore, more than the regret you firmly hold onto, in fear that you will make those mistakes again. More than the fight, the hurt, the anguish, and more than the anxiety about where your life is headed. More than the displacement that settles inside you when you realise that you have nothing figured out. More than the scars, the heart breaks, the broken homes, more than the dreams that you could not complete and the challenges you could not uphold.
You are so much more than this.
More than yesterday’s lessons and today’s experiences, and so much more than what tomorrow will have in store.
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